ER&L 2016 has ended
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Carlen Ruschoff

University of Maryland
Director of Technical Services & Strategic Initiat
Carlen Ruschoff is Director of Technical Services & Strategic Initiatives at the University of Maryland, College Park. Over a span of 35 years, she has held various positions in Technical Services and Information Technology. Carlen’s aspiration throughout her career has been to maximize the use automated processes in Libraries to free up staff to focus on new priorities. She is active in the library profession and has served in leadership roles as President of the Association for Library & Technical Services (ALCTS) and as Chair of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging. Carlen represents the University of Maryland on the Kuali OLE Functional Council and serves as Chair of that body. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Classics and a Master of Arts in Library Science from the University of Minnesota.